Let’s catch up with May’s plans first…
– 1 – Write a short story for a reader magnet for my mailing list AND set up my mailing list. (This will be on the list until it’s done)
– 2 – Get June’s blog post done
– 3 – START WRITING THIS YEAR’S STORIES! (This will also be on the list until it’s done)
#2 was the only thing that got done, and as you can see, nothing else was. It’s been quite hard to mentally get into writing. I think I hit burn out last year and it’s continuing into this year. I expected to have something ready for editing and releasing, but that just hasn’t happened.
So let’s launch into what I want to do in the month of June…
Pretty much the EXACT same thing!
– 1 – Write a short story for a reader magnet for my mailing list.
– 2 – Set up my mailing list.
– 3 – Get July’s blog post done.
– 4 – START WRITING THIS YEAR’S STORIES! (This will also be on the list until it’s done)
The head space to write just isn’t there. I had so many ideas at the beginning of the year, but nothing was coming out. And then life issues got in the way to tell me “I’m taking away your energy again this year, no stories for you!” It was like the story Nazi had come to visit (if you know about the soup Nazi from Seinfeld, you’ll get the mention).
In other news…
You can connect with me on social media, or, if you don’t have socials and prefer book sites, there is my Goodreads profile, my Amazon Profile, and my BookBub profile…