That’s right peeps, I’m taking control!!!!! No more waiting on those big fat “NO”s to come from publishers and agents concerning my new book.
No more waiting on my first book to be picked up, although the submissions were long ago and most publishers/agents will say on their web page if you don’t get an answer they ain’t interested.

So I’m taking my publishing future into my own hands. Seriously, I don’t know why I just didn’t do it years ago. But then I don’t think the Nook, Kindle or Ipad were out then. I’m talking 2008, so if anyone can tell me.Anyhoo, I’ve signed up to a big ebook website that does EVERY format. You’ll be able to buy my books for your Kindle, Nook, Ipad/Ipod/Iphone and so many others. All in a one stop shop!
And then *dum, dum, dah….. * I’ll be publishing them myself in…..PRINT!!!!!!
Well, not myself, Amazon’s CreateSpace! Where you will be able to physically buy my book and have it sent to you so you can hold that little baby in your hands.
Ahhhh…..what a way to take control.
Sure my books won’t be in actual stores for you to look at, but then many a book has been picked up for mega publishing by one of the “big six”. Although I’m not sure I can be bothered pissing around waiting on publishers that give you a pittance in money because they’re too busy paying $40 million to Janet Evanovich or Jackie Collins.
I love you Jackie, but authors like you make it harder on us. You get the publishers money, we don’t!
So, here’s a list of what I’ll be doing –
April – editing my books to make them sharper and funnier. And also tweaking the book covers so they’re appropriate for upload.
May – getting both of my books officially copy edited by a professional, so if anyone knows someone who does it for a reasonable fee, let me know.
June – getting both books properly formatted by someone who does it through the e-publisher. For a small fee they format books and do covers for other authors. And I seriously cannot be bothered learning how to do it myself.
July – upload both of my books for sale and let you all know it’s available. I have to make $10 before I ask the e-publisher for a personal letter which I then have to send to the IRS for a tax file number so I only loose 10% to the e-publisher and not 30%. That may take up to six weeks and then I have to send the papers to the e-publisher.
It’s that tax file number from the IRS that I need to load into CreateSpace. So the physical book itself won’t be happening for another couple of months after the ebooks. And I’ll have to get that formatted along with proper covers for loading onto the site.
So peeps, that’s it in a nutshell, well, a pretty big one, and sure it will cost me a bit but if I spread it out over the months then it will be okay. Certainly not the amount a publisher last year wanted me to pay for self publishing my book.
This way, I keep all control over my books and get paid 70% of all profits. Far more than publishers give you. They give a measly 6-8% and that’s if you DON’T get an advance.
But this way, I get it all (almost) and keep control.
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