When it came to me writing adult novels, from the very beginning I wanted to write one like Jackie Collins.
I wanted rollicking sex and romance, Hollywood bigwigs and celebrities who fell from grace or reached for the skies, ball-busting women who kicked ass and didn’t get their asses kicked, or who learned to do that on the journey to finding themselves and fighting back against the men who did them harm.
My female leads, and female characters in general, have learned and grown and taken on a life of their own since my first novel, The Road to Vegas, and now with the release of my 13th novel, superstitious for some, my female lead, Remi Steele kicks ass just as much as the rest of my females. She’s strong, feisty, and doesn’t take crap from either Rex or Drew and uses them for her own wants and desires.
So as I say a fond ‘I still miss you’, to my author mentor and inspiration, Jackie Collins, who passed away on this week nine years ago, I say a massive hello to my girl Remi Steele from my latest novel, Burning Desires.
Burning Desires is out now and you can see it here at my publishing house Royal Star Publishing.
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