For years I wanted a blue and/or pink writing compendium to hold my A4 spiral bound notebook and blue pen. That’s what I use when I write, nothing else. Just a notebook and pen. So I scrounged around, checked out places like Officeworks where Filofaxes (like the pink one) were $80.
Stuff that! I thought, and finally found an old blue diary cover from an op shop. It was a buck fifty I think and is from 2010 but who cares, it’s a blue cover and is nearly as big as my notebooks.
They fit in, so no problem there. And then I found the pink one from the same op shop late last year. It’s a Filofax, can you believe it, the same one that was $80 in Officeworks. I got it for a buck twenty-five and while it has that scratch on the cover, who cares, it’s freakin’ awesome!
Side by side!
So then I dug out this pc neoprene cover I bought from Officeworks for $5 years ago…
And use it to store extra notebooks and edits that can tuck away in the side pocket.
I also dug up this one that used to house my Acer laptop, which sadly had to finally be put down last year. I haven’t let this go to waste either…
As it can hold notebooks I’m yet to use.
And then I dug out one of my old notebooks for all the ideas I was having for bits in my books, and decided on this one…
And I use a blue glitter pencil case, also from the op shop, for the packs of pens I use. A ten pack at a time. Gotta have glitter.