kids to be left behind.
when they’re told they should or need to get married to be fulfilled as women want to live their own life and date who they want. We’re adults, we can do what we want.
I edited this on Sep 15th, 2014, because this link has been posted several times in the Just Jared threads. I HAVE NEVER commented in those threads, only read them. I AM NOT the troll I have been accused of and again, HAVE NEVER commented!!!! But the trolls probably won’t believe this and that’s their fried little turd shit brains. After all, why the hell would I want to get in the middle of that shit mess in those threads?!
page 35, comment 853 they think I’ve commented and are now crapping on me, hilarious since I’ve never posted there. Comment 857 calls my post an “article”. Nope, not an article, just a post on my thoughts. They also claim I contradict myself near the end, probably the last paragraph where I tell people to stop telling Gerard to grow up and to grow up themselves. Yes, I did, let me clarify. I’m not talking about physically growing up, I’m talking about mentally growing up and telling you all to grow up means stop shitting on other people and stop dictating what others should do. Mind your own business and let others mind theirs. Grow up in that sense, be an adult yourself and get on with your own life and stop worrying about others and how they live it. Grow up and shut up, you’re a bunch of hateful arseholes who think you have the right to tell an adult man how to live his life, YOU FUCKING DON’T!
And to comment 864, IF it’s about me, nope, I’m not the girlfriend but I do wish, and no, I didn’t put down his family. I live in Australia, not America.
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