You will not believe what has happened. Okay! For all of my followers who are Carmine and Ceesau fans you WILL FREAK!!!
It would appear that I have had a hand in the making of their new website and have been given PERMISSION TO BRAG by MICHAEL BRASIC HIMSELF!!!
Last year, I sent a letter to Michael via their Myspace page, you can read the whole thing here – but I’ll post the most relevant bit as well –
A sign up page at so fans can leave their details and email adds.
– A fan card with a pic of the band, name, and logo, along with the fans name and membership number.
– A quarterly newsletter, can be a pdf by email or printed and sent out to us, letting us know what all of you guys are up to in your own lives as well as the bands.
So for example –
– the cover is the Ceesau name and logo, like at the website.
– 1st page is an index and hello to the fans from you guys.
– 2nd and 3rd pages can tell us what Ceesau is up to, have pics we haven’t seen, let us know how the recording of the cd is going or album sales and where it’s selling. Have written lyrics of a song, because as much as we love Carmine, we cannot understand what he’s singing, so we need to know the lyrics so we can sing along.
– 4th page, let us know what Carmine’s up to on New York, how the filming’s going, guest stars, etc.
– 5th page can be about you and how your other bands are going and the mischief you’re getting into.
– 6th page for John and the shows he’s doing and info on him.
– 7th page for Stephen and what he’s up to.
– 8th page for whoever else has joined or helped out, or just what’s in the next issue, or even just a thank you page with a new photo we haven’t seen, or even new merchandise that’s coming, or stuff you can advertise such as new interviews or upcoming functions, or even pics of fans.
As you can see, I have inspired the lyrics section of the website and, I can brag to my heart’s content about helping Carmine and Michael with the new Ceesau website.
And yes, of course I’ll keep supporting you guys.
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