As I mentioned a couple of months ago I’m writing my new novel and during that process I decided to divide it into four parts. So I have finished parts 2 and 4 (the end) and just have to write parts 1 and 3.
Yep, that’s right, I still need to write parts 1 and 3.
I seem to have done things differently this time around. I didn’t write down a 2 or 3 line synopsis for each chapter, I didn’t write down anything for it at all.
As I wrote the first ten pages or so the story, and how I would write it, changed, and for some reason I found a story developing that I had not intended.
That’s what happens when you are inspired by your muse, whatever it may be.
I still need to write two main sections although thankfully part 2 is the longest and that is done. Although what comes next, once it’s complete, is typing it all up onto the computer into a Smashwords doc.
While I knew I would only be writing on Sundays, the day I was free to actually sit and write, I have also been working on my brand new e-Bio and a brand new e-book based on my Guides to Self-Publishing. So if you haven’t noticed those links are gone from my menu or side bar, they have. They are still on my blog but I took them, added to them, rearranged them and turned them all into an e-Book on self-publishing and social media. So far that’s only taken a week to get the basic book done. I will need to have it assessed like with my novels, and add all the url and hyperlinks but it will be available for sale next year.
If others can take their blog posts and turn them into a best seller then why the hell shouldn’t I?
Since I’ll be releasing my new e-Guide next year I will need to set pricing standards since it will not be novel length. I found a blog post where author Joe Konrath talked about his pricing and took a snip of the conversation.
So I have decided to raise my e-novels by $1, from $2.99 to $3.99.
I took Joe’s price guide and set up my own based on word count. I have no idea what sort of books I’ll write in the future, and since so many are writing short e-books either based on blog posts or about doing social media, or self-publishing, then I’m going to need to sort out pricing.
I have set my guide like this –
0 – 10,000 words = .99c
10,000 – 50,000 words = 1.99
50,000 – 100,000 words = 2.99
100,000 words plus = $3.99
Since my novels are 100,000 words + they need to go up a dollar, and I doubt I will ever write 200,000 plus words. My e-Guide will be set at $1.99 as it is heading for 50,000 words and 74 pages, my e-Bio has hit 56 pages. Yep, that long!
So get my novels on Smashwords or Kindle while you can peeps, on the 1st of January, 2014, this blogs’ 5th birthday, they will be going up $1.
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