This year’s list was short and sweet. Let’s see what I’ve achieved this year.
1 – Write whatever books I feel like.
2 – Do the half-yearly catch-up, which won’t really be much.
3 – Do my yearly Jackie Collins post.
4 – Release a novel, blog about it here and across @tiarakinghq, and @royalstarpublishing.
5 – MAYBE upload a new theme and logo.
6 – Do a full year catch-up.
As you can see, four out of six were achieved. Two were not.
While I wanted to write books, plural, that did not happen, but that is okay.
And while I wanted to upload a new theme and logo, that also didn’t happen because of some thinking that I’ve been doing. And that leads me to…
At the beginning of 2022, in the Before post, (you can see that here) I talked about going back to before. I was suffering burnout, had no interest in writing, needed a mental break from writing and publishing, and wanted to make life easier overall. I deleted social media, and considered deleting this website.
When I release books, it’s not just on this website. It’s also on my publishing house. That means repetitive posting and uploading of the same things. That’s one of the reasons I closed down the Porn Star Brothers website at the end of 2020/beginning of 2021. I don’t want to do that any more. So I am seriously considering closing this blog over Christmas. But not just closing it, moving it over to my other two websites. The posts about my books would be migrated over to, and fun posts would be migrated to
When I publish a book it will go up on the website which will get an overhaul, as it should.
But as for this website, come 2023, I have no idea if this will still be here. It’s been a long time, a long hard slog, and tiring to boot. I need to make things as easy as possible, and if that means closing down, and migrating over, and then redirecting the url, then so be it.