This dear old blog has been my blog since the first of January 2009.
It started as a blog to whinge and moan about all things celeb and what-not, and then moved into a website in roughly 2012.
But now, I have bitten the bullet and gone for a new-ish look, in my very own author website.
It’s simple, plain, and uses the Swank wordpress template from Pretty Darn Cute. It’s just a website to cater to my books, has no blog, but a link to this one here, as well as the new porn star brothers website, and has some fun facts.
This is the mock-up I did of the layout that I wanted. I simply used Canva to do it.

This was the layout I created in the template. I can only do so much code wise, so this is what I did do.

This is the layout I gave the support desk and asked for help. Simply colouring the text to red and black, adding in sections, had to copy/paste a few things in.

I did ad an image widget for the new book above the slider before she tackled it, simply to advertise the new book, so it’s not in these pics but you’ll see it in the finished item.
Here’s a closer look at both parts

And here is the end product!

A closer look here

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