Because we are the last week of June and next week I’m off on my second writing holiday for the year, that means that five full months of blog posts have gone by, and since I first told you all my writing plan for 2018. You can read the full post here.
It’s been a full year of work so far, and will only stay busy until the end as I churn through all of my books and get more done for their debut on my publishing label. I’m hoping to have most on the label by December so I can start the year of fresh with next to nothing to do, but, knowing me, I’ll just make up more stuff to do for myself.
So, here’s the list I wrote at the beginning of the year but a lot more is coloured in. I’m using the stoplight colour system below, green is for ‘done’, orange for ‘in the process of being done’, and red for ‘not done yet’.
My writing plan for 2017 so far…
(1) Under Tiara King I have these planned…
– 1.1 – Release the six book series, Poems Of A Musical Flavour, in paperback.
– 1.2 – The paperbacks have been mostly done and need tweaking, which will be done sometime in Feb or March. I had a time limit for March for the 6 pbs, but it might be pushed back to May.
– 1.3 – All will be released through Amazon and Ingram Sparks which I have joined as a publisher and they will be under my imprint.
– 1.4 – I will also release the omnibus e-book and make e-book #1 permafree in March.
– 1.5 – The omnibus pb will be released in September and I’m doing my own interior and having the cover done professionally. It will be 6×9 size and very thick.
UPDATE – just need final proofs to see how they go, decide which cover to use for the omnibus which actually turned out to be 7×10, two e-book boxed sets will be released in September along with the paperbacks, if not sooner! Not sure if #1 will be permafree, but all are on track for release.
– 2 – Update my two paperbacks, How To Be A Jewel Diva and Closet Confidential.
– 2.2 – I have decided to add style sheets to the pbs in 2018, which will also be given away for free as a download on my style website when people sign up to an email list once I get it done. I will re-release under my own imprint. Deadline is May, but I’m having trouble completing them due to MS Publisher claiming I have no disc space left when trying to add pages to the document. I do have space, and need to fix the problem so I can get it finished. If anyone knows how to fix the problem, let me know.
UPDATE – I’ve updated the interiors to both, made up the style files workbook for both books, will most likely be released in September. I just have to set up an email account for a newsletter and then I can get the interior redone for release.
– 3.1 – I still haven’t got #teenblogger to Ellen DeGeneres yet.
– 3.2 – It’s in the planning and I want to make it as professional as possible and tweak it in the next month or so. It’s important that I make it look good, and important that I try and get it out there even though it’s been two years since I released it.
UPDATE – #teenblogger is nearly finished and I just have to approve the final proof and then buy copies. I’ll have them sent to me, then wrap one up in a pretty box with some goodies that I bought, and send it off to Ellen. I’ll take photos and do a blog post.
– 4 – I want to get my jewellery back into its own website so we’ll see. Selling has been on hold for the last two years due to money, time and energy. I’m still looking for wordpress templates that would suit the type of website look I want, but with everything else going on, this won’t happen for some time.
UPDATE – not happening this year.
(2) Under T.K. Wrathbone I have these planned…
– 1.1 – Get three stories written up, typed up, edited and out along with an anthology. Thank God I have already done the e-covers.
– 1.2 – All four will be released in the second half of the year.
– 2.1 – Will get the paperback version of last year’s stories done professionally, and it will be out before this year’s new stories.
– 2.2 – I am also updating the first two Bones pbs and will release them under my imprint during the year.
UPDATE – Bones #3 paperback is being done in July-August along with the #1 and #2 cover updates. I’m way behind on writing this year’s stories.
(3) Under L.J. Diva I have these planned…
– 1.1 – Put the next book, Love Never Dies through two more rounds of editing (one was done on the Australia Day long weekend on the 26/27th of Jan).
– 1.2 – Get the cover finished, and release it in March.
– 1.3 – Then comes the paperback interior and cover for release in September.
– 2.1 – I typed up the last couple of hundred pages of Stefan: The New Generation in January.
– 2.2 – I need to put it through 3-4 rounds of editing.
– 2.3 – Then send it off to my editor across three months because it’s so long it will cost a fortune.
– 2.4 – Then two more rounds of editing and get the cover done.
– 2.5 – Release it in September as an e-book.
– 2.6 – Then comes the paperback interior and cover.
– 3 – Release all four Porn Star Brothers novellas in paperback, along with the deluxe collector’s edition novel, and the novel Forever all in paperback. March is the deadline, but it could be April or May as I need proofs first.
– 4.1 – I want to type up next year’s novella which isn’t due for release until March 2019 so it gives me time to edit and add to it.
– 4.2 – I also want to try and get the last book in the series written up. That isn’t due until Sep 2019, but I like to be ahead of myself due to outlay costs so I know ahead of time where I can fit it all in.
– 5 – I’d like to try and get some of the short stories for the series written up. I can do the e-book covers myself and I’ve bought the pictures for them, so I will save money doing that. It will just be editing I’ll have to pay for. But who knows, they won’t be due until after the last novel, but I will release them weekly, so they will need to be all done.
– 6.1 – I also want to update my four standalone novels. I updated the interiors last year, changed them to a 6×9 format, and will have the covers re-done for them.
– 6.2 – Then re-release under my imprint in September, December by the latest. They are still available at Amazon in paperback, but, with the new format in 6×9, and with recent changes in CreateSpace, it means the prices can be lowered, so…
– 6.3 – I also have to re-evaluate my pricing strategy.
That means all but three of my books will be moved to my own imprint by the end of the year. The last three can stay under Amazon’s imprint until I remove them or update them. Dream It, Write It, Publish It has a deadline for updating of 2020. Which means, in 2019 I will need to massively update it for a mid-year re-release, hopefully.
UPDATE – Love Never Dies was released which is why it’s green. Stefan is being edited as we speak, so orange, all of the books are being proofed in paperback and will be released in September. Deluca, next year’s book, has been typed up and will be edited over the next writing holiday, and I still haven’t written the novel after that, but hopefully after editing Deluca I will.
Standalone novels have been updated and kept in 8×5 size, I just need new covers and new titles as they’re getting an overhaul.
I’d like to get all of my books over to my imprint by September in case teenblogger is on Ellen.
So far, that’s it for this list. I’ve also copyrighted my books and stories with the US Copyright agency, trademarked some things, dealt with other legal issues, and will now have to get my tax done. Yikes, still so much to do.
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