Over the last couple of years, I’ve started reorganising things to be easy.
And that’s going to get even easier.
In 2021 I came up with some ideas, executed many, and left others alone. I’ve sat on the rest of those ideas all of last year and made the decision that they were easier moving forward.
So many things are going to change. Again.
This year, my L.J. Diva website will be fifteen. Fifteen years since it started on Blogger way back on Jan 1st 2009, and was migrated over to WordPress in 2019. I’m hoping it will be the last year.
This year, my T.K. Wrathbone website will be eight. Eight years since it started on WordPress way back in 2015. I’m hoping it will be the last year.
And my style blog started as Jewel Divas Jewellery in 2009 on Blogger, changed to Jewel Divas Style in 2012 as it’s been ever since, and moved to WordPress in 2013, is also fifteen. And for now, it’s staying.
But here’s what’s changing.
This year, 2023, I’ll be updating this site, Tiara King, with a front page to have a “latest book” widget, and change some things out. I’ll set up the blog to be called NEWS, or something, and I’ll have posts from L.J. Diva and T.K. Wrathbone migrated over. They’ll be my book posts, business, legalities and anything to do with writing, publishing, and my books. I’ll also start posting here about my books under all three names once the migration is done.
All of that means on Jewel Divas Style, things will also change. The leftover posts on L.J. Diva and T.K. Wrathbone will be moving there. Fun stuff like book reviews, and talking about TV, music, etc. so at some point there will be an influx of posts from both, and I’m not sure whether to categorise them into the categories I already have, or to label them LJD and TKW so they can be seen together. There are a lot of posts still left at LJD. I’ve culled well over half in the last few years, and would have easily been well over 3000 posts by now if I’d kept up my posting schedule from years ago.
I’ll be doing all of this throughout the year to make things easier, and give myself time to do everything. But the due date will be by September as that’s when I hopefully release another book.
The plan is to then close down the LJD and TKW websites at the end of the year. But that’s just a plan. Maybe they’ll close sooner.
Royal Star Publishing will get a new theme and take the full brunt of publishing. I might add a news page for new releases, but except for a new theme and layout, there may not be much to do.
As for JDS, usually I wait until the end of the month to do the next month’s posts across a few days. It’s tiresome, and boring, having to take photos, copyright, lighten, resize, post, etc., so I considered posting less, or posting about other things where I don’t need to take a million pics. But from my 2023 blogging plan so far, it looks like I’ve got most weeks booked with a post anyway, so cutting back will definitely happen from 2024.
I do know that come 2024, if I’m still there, then JDS will also get a new theme, if not beforehand. A bigger theme with more space on the front page. I have two in mind, one with a beachy theme that’s the front runner simply because of picture placement, and then a blog themed one similar to what I’m using now, that has fifteen different templates so I can change it out and use bits from each. But then again, I might save some money and upload the theme I already have here on Tiara King.
But also, in the event that something else changes, like closing JDS, then all of these blog posts will be cleaned out and migrated here to TK as well.
Yes, that was something I considered in late 2021 and I mentioned it in my Changes post from Feb 2022. My original plan, when trying to come up with one that best suited me in late 21, ranged from light and easy to fucking batshit crazy nuclear.
Here’s a basic breakdown of what I was considering in 2021.
1 – Close smaller social sites and extras not used, and consider which ones to close down next. Which I did.
2 – Close Jewel Divas and its social accounts, plus half the TKW and LJD social accounts. Which I did.
3 – Roll LJD and TKW into TK and close all LJD/TKW social accounts. (I didn’t do but will now)
4 – Roll all three, TKW/LJD/JDS, into TK and just have the one website/blog along with RSP. Batshit nuclear method!!!! Obviously, I didn’t do this, and won’t at this point.
So things are going to change around here.
In thinking about what to post on JDS, and what to do moving forward, my “writing holidays” will become my “business breaks” as I normally do a bunch of business stuff during those times and no writing gets done. I’ll also be changing the days I do my blog posts for the month ahead. I’m trying to get around the RSL and My Style posts as they require different days of the months, so I can have three weeks for writing and one week for business.
I’ve deleted some of my old posts, and I’m thinking of revitalising some of the old posts from LJD and modernising them for new posts.
My posting to social mafia will also change slightly. For me, I start at TikTok/Instagram, have that sent through to Facebook, post to Twitter, and then, if they’re videos, post them to Pinterest and YouTube as well. I turned around and joined Hive last year as myself to add even more social mafia to the list, and in moving forward, I’ll be talking more about me, being a carer, my writing, my jewellery, my books, and stuff that interests me. Essentially combining JDS with TK instead of setting up more JDS everywhere which I don’t need. I also joined Hive in January as RSP, so I’m posting to two sites all over the place.
In other plans…
Try and get more publicity, learn how to do ads for selling and a few other publishing things. Maybe stop blogging completely, or, at least, whenever I feel like it.
I’m 49 this year. I’m trying to make life a little easier by 50.