Doing things a little different this year. We’re getting straight into the plans for the year ahead, also known as the bullet point plan even though there are no bullets. I’ve also elaborated a little more, adding in the extra steps per point.
Let’s get into 2023!
I have these PLANNED for doing…
Under L.J. Diva…
1 – Write multiple novels but only publish one this year. (edit, editor, format, covers, upload, proofs, issues, pre-order, release, posts, quotes, character lists, etc.)
2 – Write a reader magnet for my mailing list.
Under T.K. Wrathbone…
1 – Maybe write… There’s no rush or need.
2 – Write a reader magnet for my mailing list.
Under Tiara King…
1 – Maybe write a novel.
2 – Maybe re-write my book on self-publishing.
3 – Try and fix the issues with the KDP versions of my Poems series. They’re still available via Amazon because they’re published elsewhere, but the versions I upload direct to Amazon don’t like the interior pics.
4 – Write a reader magnet for my mailing list.
Social Mafia
1 – Continue to pick one to two days a month to schedule blog posts.
2 – Do book flips and effects videos, as well as book reads for social media.
3 – Start posting more “real” stuff to my social media, not just my book videos. They’ll go to the Royal Star Publishing channels, and a few to mine when the book is out. I’m talking about fun stuff, using effects and games, and some “real” me vids, mainly for TikTok, but a few will go elsewhere. I don’t want to be one of those whingy whiny people who do videos of themselves crying and complaining about shit, so I’ll try and keep that to a minimum.
4 – Continue to post to social during the week across the board and Pinterest boards monthly.
5 – Use the first school holiday “business break” April 15-30, to update the Tiara King website for migrating the book and business blog posts from TKW and LJD.
– Would need the Cadence version of Boho to get book widget and arches in Orchid library block.
– Set up bookstore page?
– Finish setting up all of the pages needed for LJD and TKW on TK. (character lists, book quotes, hot men, love links, PSB – timeline, family tree, business trees, book quotes, character lists, songs?)
– Do I set up a “Writing as” section, or add it to my header image?
– Sort out social media icons.
– Get the blog ready.
– Set up for videos?
6 – Use the second school holiday “business break” July 8-24, to update the website for Royal Star Publishing with a new theme and makeover in preparation for a new book release in September.
– Hello You Coach theme? Or buy cadence Boho so I can download to mine as well?
– Buy Orchid library block? Has arches.
– Works with Mooberry?
– Next sale is in July.
7 – Use the third school holiday “business break” Sep30-Oct 15, to migrate all posts from TKW and LJD over to their new homes on TK and JDS, and leave them with a final page saying they’re closing down at the end of the year.
– Fun posts go to JDS. Sort out any issues.
– Book, business, legals, etc, goes to TK. Sort out any issues.
– Organise the blog on TK before adding it to the front page and going live. Call it news?
– When done, do a blog post and send it out to TK social media.
– When done, do a blog post and send it out to JDS social media.
Of course, the above three points will be fluid, depending on how fast things are done, what I can afford, and whether I rearrange the order of everything in the hope of putting out another novel in September. In which case, I’ll need blog posts and a latest release widget for the front page.
8 – In December, close down the websites and social media for TKW and LJD and redirect the urls to their new pages on TK.
– Remove pictures and urls from front page of TK under the blog section.
– The PSB url will need to be redirected to the PSB series page on TK.
9 – In December 23/January 24, update the web theme for JDS for a semi-retirement.
– Have found new theme of 15 to play around with, or upload genesis Boho theme to save money?
1 – Pay all of my business payments this year, so here comes thousands of dollars spent on domain and business names, as well as trademarks.
2 – Send the copies of Anything for You, One Bone, Six Bone, and #Teenblogger, along with the letter, in their lolly covered gift box to Jason Sudeikis.
3 – Continue with the local writers’ group.
4 – Finish getting the four stand-alone novels up on GP and Kobo as AI audio books.
5 – Do corrections to four stand-alone books and reupload e-books and print books to sale sites.
6 – Do the “Screenwriting with the creator of Bluey” online event in February, and an online “Inside Publicity” event from the SA Writers’ Centre in March.
7 – Use MS Word’s Read Aloud to listen to the rest of the TKW books and the Porn Star Brothers series for errors. Correct them and re-upload.
8 – Get the Porn Star Brothers collection up on GP and Kobo as an AI audio book.
9 – Continue to catch up with old author courses that I’ve done to try and learn things.
10 – And from those courses, try Amazon, Bookbub, or Facebook ads.
11 – Try and find an online screenwriting course. Something else I’d like to add to my bow and cap.
12 – Use the information from the online Content, Profile, and Opinion writing courses to write better blog posts, as well as opinion pieces for websites and media.
13 – Start contacting papers, magazines, radio and TV stations for my opinion pieces.
14 – Do media releases based on the online media release course I did.
15 – Get my newsletter going with those reader magnets I need to write.
16 – Try Amazon’s A+ Content for my book’s Amazon pages. Although this is not highly recommended by authors, many use it.
17 – Potentially close down Streetlib. This might come at the end of the year after writing about them for my non-fic self-publishing book. Potentially close Pubdrive. It will depend on audio book sales.
1 – Look at other measures to help my weight issues.
2 – Look at other measures to help my nail issues as they’re even worse than they were before.
3 – Still make the effort to be off the internet by 10:30, or earlier, most nights for time out. Take Friday nights off over winter to veg out in front of the TV and heater. Keep up the Iron and Vit D through winter to stave off lethargy.
4 – Continue with the chiro.
1 – Save more each fortnight and continue to keep the credit card to a monthly limit.
1 – I still need to restring all of my bracelet stacks with new elastic. Something I’ve let go since late 2021.
2 – Repair all of the jewellery that’s broken in the last year. And yeah, there’s been a few, especially bracelets.
3 – Make something out of the bulk lot of yellow jewellery I bought a couple of years ago.
4 – Steam my capes. They’re so jam-packed in my tiny long closet that they’re squished.
And that’s the to-do list for 2023. I’ve been adding to it until a couple of weeks ago. Yikes! So much to do! So much more to add to it…