There’s only ever been two. Michael Weatherly and Carmine Giovinazzo!
Carmine Giovinazzo, who played Danny Messer from CSI New York. This pic is from 2006. It was in the TV Guide HOT GUYS OF SUMMER June edition and he IS Vegas. So when you read the book, imagine Carmine! Unfortunately I couldn’t put him looking like this on the cover of the book due to copyright/permission, but I sort of came close.

Ah, Michael Weatherly. The gorgeously gorgeous ex-husband of mine. I found this photo after a bit of a google look at the time and it’s EXACTLY how I imagined Diega Montiamo when he’s standing at the window contemplating the lovely Tahlia and how he’s going to woo her away from the beast that pulled her out of the concert hall.

As for Carlo Santiago, I sort of had Rob Morrow in mind at the time for some reason, but he wasn’t tall enough or well-suited to the role. In the years since I kept coming back to Jack Scalia. Not sure why, probably because I’ve seen him in a lot of movies, especially two Jackie Collins ones, so he has the experience. So maybe that’s why.
So when you read THE ROAD TO VEGAS keep Michael and Carmine in mind. Insanely hot, gorgeously suave, extremely fuckable!
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