It was quite an interesting writing holiday.
First, there was no writing, sadly, just a tonne of editing to get paperback books done for release in September. Then there’s my recent addiction to One Direction, mainly due to editing the next instalment of Porn Stars ready for September and thinking how great the kids would be as a boy band and there was my addiction to 1D because I was hearing Niall Horan all the time on the radio and then that lead me back to 1D…. So, here goes…
Saturday 7th – had a lie in, watched Niall Horan (former One Direction member and my current crush even though he’s actually young enough to be my son and why I didn’t crush on One Direction in the first place, because they were and are all too young. But puberty smashed into him real hard and made him as hot as fuck!) interviews on YouTube, started the updates for the paperback series Poems Of A Musical Flavour while listening to country music I used to line dance to. Yee Haw!
Sunday 8th, Monday 9th – as above, still doing Poems and trying not to get distracted by Niall. I’ve only recently gotten Zayn and Harry’s cds from the library. I’ve gone back to listening, in full, to Niall’s Flicker cd, and it’s damn good. I’m addicted. And he’s still as hot as fuck and so damn distracting…
I also changed my Facebook profile name to Kings Alliance.
Tuesday 10th – finished perfecting #teenblogger and it’s finally done. I hope
Wednesday 11th – did stuff
Thursday 12th – shopping, library, usual, my sister came down. Trying to get over my Niall addiction.
Friday 13th – washing, dishes, faffed around online and did a couple of things, watched One Direction videos on YouTube
Saturday 14th – got down to editing Porn Stars, Carlos and Pedro during the day, watched One Direction at night
Sunday 15th – edited Porn Stars Tomas and Retribution, 1D as above
Monday 16th – started editing Porn Stars Forever, 1D as above
Tuesday 17th – continued editing Forever, 1D as above
Wednesday 18th – started editing Porn Stars Love Never Dies.
Thursday 19th – shopping, library, the usual. Did some social media work online in the evening.
Friday 20th – did the washing and dishes, finished editing Forever, my sister came around, watched One Direction at San Siro twice in a row.
Saturday 21st – tried to get extra stuff done, like these blog posts etc.
Sunday 22nd – edited all of the Porn Star books ready for paperback release in September, and made sure all of the Poems and #teenblogger book are ready for release and sending off to Ellen.
I have no idea why I’m crushing on Niall at the mo, it was Henry Cavill last writing holiday, clearly I’m desperately needy for something…like a man…lol, so who knows, with the way I’m going I might have a crush on someone completely different next writing holiday.