The holiday didn’t start off well.
On Friday the 2nd, I had a doctor’s appointment at 7:10 at night. I had to rush off to the chemist, which wasn’t open, and then go and find another one, which was in my local shopping centre. I grabbed four MacDonald’s apple pies before going home and watching TV.
On Friday, I also started teeth whitening treatment using one of those ridiculous plastic mouth guards and gel. We’ll see how that goes.
On Monday, I started the new cream treatment for the psoriasis in my fingernails. We’ll see how that also goes.
One of mum’s appointments had been cancelled, so apart from going to the gym three mornings a week, I tried getting some writing done. I had the local writer’s group and managed to finish off the anthology of five short stories, and finished off the story I tried forcing myself to write last year.
I had a chiro appointment on the 15th, and sat looking at my writing book on Saturday the 17th hoping to get 20 pages out of the next story. It didn’t happen, but I forced myself yesterday, Sunday the 18th, the day I quickly whipped up this blog post because I had forgotten all about it.
I gotta say, this writing gig is not making me happy anymore. I knew after finishing off the Porn Star Brothers family saga, that I wanted to get back to “free writing”, where I only wrote when inspired and with no expectations of a publishing date. But still having to get out kid’s stories every year is driving me bat shit crazy because it’s draining me of inspiration and interest. But…I stuck myself with this lot, so I will see it through as long as I can. Which is supposed to be another six years.
Yep, I set myself up for 12-13 years of kid’s stories. Yep, that sucks!
Anyway, today I’m off to have my bi-yearly breast screen and the coming weeks, and months, will be hectic with multiple appointments, finishing off these stories to get them edited, get the covers done, and release them in September and October. And then follow up with the print formats.
I did manage to watch some TV shows and movies, and generally veg out on a Friday night and/or Saturday, hence why the story wasn’t written. I was too busy staring at the notepad.
Sometimes things just DON’T go according to plan.
Oh, who am I kidding? They don’t go according to plan A LOT!