Today is launch day for Why Positivity Can Be A Bad Thing!
The book I wrote because I was pissed off at all the hypocritical cretins on the internet who thought they could shit over anyone and everyone just because they could, and unfortunately I have found, the majority are Gen Ys, followed by Gen Xers, but more on that next week.
This book is my take on the world of positivity and how it can be a bad thing when those who are positive can become the very negative.
Why Positivity Can Be a Bad Thing! is one outlook on the phenomenon called positivity, how it’s changed the world, the people who live in the positive and how they treat those who don’t. The power of positivity can be a good thing if used correctly; if not, those who preach it the loudest are being the biggest hypocrites.
Why Positivity Can Be a Bad Thing! is one outlook on living life in the negative; the ups and downs, trials and tribulations of trying to keep oneself up and positive, more than likely failing miserably on a daily basis. With life full of negativity and insanely mixed messages it’s damn hard being positive in world that’s confused itself with its own garbage.
What Why Positivity Can Be a Bad Thing! tells us is, positivity can be a bad thing if used as a weapon of mass emotional destruction and hypocrisy, and not for peace, kindness, comprehension or understanding of other people and their comments in general. And if you think and feel the same, then this book is for you.
Why Positivity Can Be a Bad Thing! started off based on the Facebook page JUST PUTTING IT OUT THERE: Our Positive Karmic Imprints on the World! a movement started by Lady Jewels Diva® to try and bring positivity into the lives of herself and her followers, but evolved into a story about the real life dramas happening on her doorstep.
Why Positivity Can Be a Bad Thing! is selling through Smashwords and Amazon, retailing for $2.99
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