First, I’ll get into the update on the list of shit to get done.
I’ll leave out everything I had already done in January and just concentrate on everything else.
What was already in the making this year…
– 1 – The release my four standalone novels in large print and dust jacket hardcovers.
They’re almost done. I just need to proof them and then they are released in March or April.
Okay, so clearly THAT didn’t happen, but they are planned for August or September, most definitely.
– 2 – The release of the Porn Star Brothers series in dust jacket hardcovers.
As above. They’re almost done. I just need to proof them and then they are released in March or April.
Again, didn’t happen in those months, but are planned for release in September.
What I have planned for the year…
– 1 – Write the next and last Porn Star Brothers book.
Consisting of five stories it should take as long as a normal novel, although my novels aren’t normal length. I’m thinking 60 handwritten pages per story, so 2.5 notebooks, and about 3 weeks. But then, I never know what will happen when it comes to this family and these stories.
– 1.1 – Type them up, edit them, send them off for editing, edit some more.
– 1.2 – Get the covers done, check the proof and release it as an e-book, paperback, and dust jacket hardcover in September.
– 2 – Try and post to Insta, FB, TW more during the week at L.J. Diva and Porn Star Brothers, and pin to my Pinterest boards monthly.
– 3 – Get a mailing list set up for my books and a newsletter set up on the website.
The book is nearly finished, but not typed up, edited, no cover, no nothing. I now post once a week plus blog posts, and the mailing list is still waiting….
Let’s get into what I achieved in June from the list of shit to get done…
1 – Finish proofing the large prints of the novels, and then the dust jacket hard covers and make any corrections before re-uploading and SETTING A RELEASE DATE!
2 – Finish writing this year’s novel, of which I’m nearly there.
3 – Continue looking into newsletters and mailing lists.
4 – Write July’s blog post.
Sooooo….I did one thing, but two are still on the move! And I’ll pretty much give up worrying about mailing lists right now because, you know, books to get done!
So if you want to see the others things I’ve been up to, head over to my style blog, Jewel Divas Style.
Okay, so let’s launch into what I want to do in the month of July…
It’s the school holidays, so hopefully I’ll have two weeks to finish the novel and type it up.
1 – Finish proofing the large prints and the dust jacket hard covers of the novels, and hardcovers of the PSB series. Make any corrections before re-uploading and SETTING A RELEASE DATE!
If they’re not coming this month, then it’s definitely August 19th.
2 – Finish writing this year’s novel and type it up, maybe even give it its first edit.
3 – Write August’s blog post.
So there you have it, three items for July’s shit to get done list. We’ll see on August 1st whether I achieved them or not.
Meanwhile, here’s June in social media pictures…
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