Let’s catch up with May’s plans first…
1 – Actually finish off and set the date for the release of the large prints and hardcovers, and then release them.
2 – Do the one thing that’s most important and that’s to keep writing this year’s books.
3 – Continue looking into, although at this point it’s more like look at newsletters and mailing lists.
4 – Write June’s blog posts.
As you can see, I did one thing on the list. Two weren’t done, and one is halfway done. The rough date for release is October 1st.
Okay, so let’s launch into what I want to do in the month of June…and it’s the same because stuff has to be done.
1 – Actually finish off and set the date for the release of the large prints and hardcovers, and then release them.
2 – Do the one thing that’s most important and that’s to keep writing this year’s books.
3 – Continue looking into, although at this point it’s more like look at newsletters and mailing lists.
4 – Write July’s blog post.
So there you have it, four items for June to do.
Meanwhile, here’s May in social media photos…