Let’s jump into that anniversary news…
First off, it’s the ten year anniversary of when I wrote what is now called Falling for London. I wrote it in 2010, set it in 2011, and now, here we are, ten years later and it’s had two covers and two titles. It’s also gone from being independently published to being under my publishing house name.
Second, it’s also the ten year anniversary of receiving the call.
Which call?
THE call…from a publishing house.
That’s right, I’ve been one of the lucky people who have actually received a call from a publisher, but after much consideration I turned them down. I’m glad I did. I found out in 2017 that they had gone bust in 2015 and owed their authors a lot of money.
Next year it will be ten years since I discovered self-publishing so there will be some more anniversaries to celebrate.
Feck! Ten years!
Let’s get into what I achieved in October from the list of shit to get done…
1 – Get the covers done
2 – Maybe get the new cover ready
3 – Do November’s blog post
Well…one thing. But then you need to work to other people’s schedules.
Okay, so let’s launch into what I want to do in the month of November…
1 – Try and get the covers finished.
2 – Maybe get the new cover ready.
3 – Do December’s and January’s blog posts.
Yeah, it’s gonna be the same thing until those covers are done and those books are released.
So there you have it, not a lot to get done as the year is winding down. We’ll see on December 1st whether I achieved them or not and I’ll be talking about wrapping up the year.
Meanwhile, here’s October in social media pictures…
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