I am back from my lovely service leave refreshed and ready to go.
But I have not been holidaying, oh no, I have been slaving away doing all sorts. Getting tax paperwork together, doing audits, trying to get all of my books done, checking out all of you and commenting, and SWELTERING IN THIS RIDICULOUS SUMMER HEAT. That’s 45 fricken degrees (Celsius) people!!!!
Let’s start with the website.
I’ve given the old girl a makeover because she turned five; she’s also getting a brand new domain name in order of branding (probably should have done that years ago when I bought my royal title), so very soon she will be Lady Jewels Diva.
I changed my header pic. Only slightly so there was still continuance, the movie reel is still there but the pics inside have changed, more in line with my tag line.
I have a fancy schmancy new dropdown menu where you will find, under ABOUT MOI!, the love links and media pages, where a new downloadable PDF e-bio will be coming in Feb.
I got rid of the left side bar because, with three new books coming out this year, it was not going to fit everything in it so most of it had to go. Some did move over to the right sidebar, like my book site icons, writer’s websites I follow, Goodreads and Shelfari widgets, but most have been moved or deleted. So that has given me the template I actually had years ago when I started with the larger post area for bigger pics, and the right sidebar.
You will also spy the new BUY MY NOVELS! and BUY MY E-BOOKS! sections containing all the deets for the current novels as well as the new books coming. Book trailers for my novels are under the novel section and hence the upcoming trailers for my e-books is under the e-book section.
The Jewels Diva TV link takes you directly to my YouTube channel, and then of course there’s the Contact page that will give you all the deets for contacting me.
Now, onto the good stuff. I have written a guide to self-publishing and had an advanced review done by Kellie from Delightfully Ludicrous. Now I’m giving away, YES, GIVING AWAY FIVE ADVANCED READING COPIES of my brand new guide to self-publishing to the first FIVE PEOPLE who leave an email add to send it to in the comment section.
I will send you a SPECIALLY PREPARED PDF copy of the book, and if you don’t mind, email me back (at the addy I send it from) and let me know what you think. This version is 79 pages long and is a copy I made ESPECIALLY just for this. The original and final book will be published via Kindle, and hopefully Smashwords if they play nice where even the mere mention of Amazon freaks them out, sometime in February. But that will obviously be different and have the ACTUAL cover so you don’t get to see it yet! That means FIVE special people will have a special copy of it.
So welcome back y’all and the book will go to the first five people to leave me their email add in the comments section!
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