Because we are the first week of July, that means that five full months of blog posts have gone by, and since I first told you all my writing plan for 2017.
Since it is now school holidays and I’m off to hopefully get some more porn star books written and delve into a whole bunch of exciting stuff I have planned but will not tell you about until later in the year, I will update you on how my writing plan is going.
I’m using the stoplight colour system below, green is for ‘done’, orange for ‘in the process of being done’, and red for ‘not done yet’.
My writing plan for 2017 so far…
(1) Under Tiara King the two series I had planned to write have STILL been waylaid for another year or two but…
– 1 – I will be releasing a six book series plus omnibus edition from March 1st in pre-release across e-book (titled Poems Of A Musical Flavour, Volume 5 is out now in pre-sale and paperbacks are coming later in the year). It’s a look into another side of me and I typed everything up in the September school holidays of 2016 and the paperbacks are currently being proofed.
– 2 – I will be releasing two books in paperback, How To Be A Jewel Diva and Closet Confidential which have been finalised for release sometime in the next month or so. (released back in May)
– 3 – I want to get #teenblogger to Ellen DeGeneres so need to craft a letter to her. If anyone can help me out with an address of where to send presents and stuff to her that will actually get to her, much appreciated. (I’ve written up a basic letter but because of that exciting thing I mentioned above, it’s currently on hold until later in the year)
– 4 – I wanted to get my jewellery back into its own website last year but a whole bunch of other stuff came up instead, so it’s on the plan, but we’ll see. So once again selling will be on hold during the year as I cannot deal with all of it. I’m currently looking for wordpress.org templates that would suit the type of website look I want. (still searching for the perfect template)
(2) Under T.K. Wrathbone
– 1 – I’m releasing a paperback in March called Two Bone Anthology 2 which is last year’s stories in paperback.
– 2 – I will get three stories written, typed up, edited, assessed and out along with an anthology. Thank God I have already done the e-covers. (#1 is out now in pre-release and called The Howler)
– 3 – Get the paperback version of them done. (planned for October for design and later for release)
(3) Under L.J. Diva
– 1 – I want to get the first four Porn Stars books done in paperback plus an omnibus edition of all four and release them in September. (due to financial difficulties, my other books will be refurbished and porn stars will make it later in the year or early next year.)
– 2 – type up book #2 and have it edited, assessed, a cover done, the interior done and release it in September. (my editing is in process and the cover is done)
– 3 – get books #3, #4, #5, #6 typed up along with any short stories if I have time. (so far, only #3 is typed up and in need of editing before it’s date with my editor in November)
– 4 – consider a website for the book series, plus an author one purely for books so I’m currently looking for wordpress.org templates that are awesome for books and authors that provide a decent layout and author plug-ins. (web domains and templates bought and will be done before Sep)
– 5 – get family and business trees for the book series made up. The Stephanopoulos family tree is huge and keeps growing with every book, along with the business tree so I’ll need a lot of space to fit everyone in. I also have character lists and a family/book timeline typed up. And I’m not even done with it yet.
So far, that is where I’m at. As mentioned above, something exciting is underway and that’s put me back slightly, by about two/three months, but come September when I announce it, all of my books will be updated and re-released in eb and pb and then porn stars will be done in paperback format, along with other paperbacks.
Otherwise, I’m off for a two week writing holiday…see you in three weeks…
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