That’s right, I’ve updated the interiors of the e-books for How To Be A Jewel Diva and Closet Confidential and I’m giving away my FREE style guides in a link in the back of the books.
You will need to sign up to my newsletter to obtain it.
The paperbacks are a little trickier to update. I need someone who can manipulate Adobe otherwise I’m going to have to completely redo them. So until further notice, the free guide is only in the e-books. If you don’t want to buy the e-books, you can actually go to my publishing house Etsy store and buy them.
Check out Royal Star Publishing’s Etsy Store.
Here’s a look at the style files and a little of what they’re about.
The How To Be A Jewel Diva: Jewellery Style File is a companion planner to the book How To Be A Jewel Diva.
You will find sparkling style sheets to use for all of your lists, with eight pages for each colour and neutral, for earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, watches, brooches, sets, and even keyrings are included. I’ve also added one page per colour and neutral at the back for needs, as in all the jewels you may ‘need’ to write down and buy.
Each page has three columns…
Piece, where you write a description of the piece of jewellery.
Place, where you write down which store you got it from.
cost, where you write down how much it cost or if it was a gift.
At the bottom of each page you can swiftly add it all up and leave totals of pieces and prices.
This is a fancy version of the way I’ve been doing it for decades now. I simply drew up columns on A4 lined paper and wrote it all by hand. It’s quick and easy to add to whenever you buy a piece of jewellery or decide to put a set together.
It’s a simple workbook to get you started to a quick and easy way of keeping tabs on all those sparkling jewels you buy. And don’t forget to refer back to my book, How To Be A Jewel Diva: Tips And Tricks To Buying, Wearing And Caring For Your Costume Jewellery for guidance on colours, combining, tones and sizes.
The Closet Confidential Style File is a companion planner to the book Closet Confidential.
You will find style sheets to use for your lists for tops, tanks, t-shirts, blouses/shirts, vests, blazers, jackets, coats, sweaters/jumpers, cardigans, dresses, skirts, pants, suits, and one blank page for you to add anything you want. I’ve also included one page per colour and neutral at the back for needs, as in all the clothes you may ‘need’ to write down and buy.
Each page has three columns…
Piece, where you write a description of the piece of clothing.
Place, where you write down which store you got it from.
cost, where you write down how much it cost or if it was a gift.
At the bottom of each page you can swiftly add it all up and leave totals of pieces and prices. This is a fancy version of the way I’ve been doing it for decades now. I simply drew up columns on A4 lined paper and wrote it all by hand. It’s quick and easy to add to whenever you buy a piece of clothing.
It’s a simple workbook to get you started to a quick and easy way of keeping tabs on all those sparkling clothes you buy. And don’t forget to refer back to the book, Closet Confidential for guidance on colours, tones, and combining colours.
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