It’s that time of the month again peeps…..
Not THAT time of the month (women’s issues) I’m talking about our positive imprints for the next month.
For those reading about it for the first time, read about it here
Otherwise, let’s get on with it.
I have won Oprah tickets and appear on her show.
I am interviewed by Oprah and so have my book picked up by a publisher.
My book has been published and is hugely successful, thanks to appearing on Oprah, millions of people pre-order my book.
I am a successful author.
All thanks to Oprah and being on her show.
Bitchfest! radio is on the air and is a hugely successful radio show.
My back has been sorted out and I am no longer in pain!!!!
I have great health and well being thanks to my back being straightened.
So there’s mine peeps, and now time for HUNK OF THE MONTH…..
David Tennant, also known AS THE BEST DOCTOR WHO EV.AH!!!!!!!!
Oh Doctor, you can park your tardis in my bush any day!!!!!!!
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