As we come to the end of 2019 and eleven years online, I’m looking at how far I’ve come in writing and publishing and have noticed some rather significant things.
In March 2014 I wrote the blog post – “It’s that time again when I get that cold stabby feeling before I self-publish”.
I think it’s a mix of things like fear, what if it’s not ready, what if I do something wrong, what if I’ve missed something, what if it’s rejected, is it ready yet? I’m not sure what it would be called, but it’s a weird cold feeling that flashes in and out of my chest, almost like fear, I guess. But then what am I scared of? Scared it’s not perfect. Scared it’s not properly formatted. Scared it won’t be good enough.
A cold stabby feeling I haven’t felt in probably five years now. Later in 2014 I released one novel and three non-fiction books, so I was pumping them out and didn’t feel it. Definitely didn’t feel it in 2015, only a year after writing that post. Why? Probably because I released another non-fiction book and also started releasing children’s stories. I was uploading so many things it was ridiculous, so no stabby feeling.
For all you writers out there just beginning, it does get easier when it comes to releasing.
If you’ve edited it to within an inch of its life and had others edit it, then it’s good enough to release. Stop worrying about it. Stop worrying whether you’re good enough, whether the cover’s good enough, stop stressing, stop with the anxiety, see it as a step in the business of publishing and get it done. It does get easier, and becomes second nature. See it as any other job, it needs to be done.
And talking about older blog posts, here’s a few more of interest.
I wrote this blog post in 2011 – “I’m taking control of my own publishing future!” How I wasn’t going to let getting told no, no, no by publishing houses stop me from writing and being an author. Definitely a ground breaker, that one.
In 2012 I wrote – “Do writers get stage fright? I think I’ve got it!” I was prepping a new book and was taking my time, or was I procrastinating due to terrors?
2013’s – “Is self-publishing your e-book different to being picked up by an e-book publishing company?” No, it actually isn’t because we all do the same thing. So why leave it up to someone else when you can do it yourself?
2014’s – “What it takes to be an author and actually release a book” This was me letting you all know about what I’d gone through trying to get it all done. It’s so much easier today, just five years down the road.
“Writing an e-book in thirty days is not possible if you want a well thought out informative book” If you want a decent book and can’t pay staff to do everything else for you, then it’s going to take longer than one month.
““real publishers” aren’t the only “real” real ones anymore” I had read a blog post of someone who said their book has been picked up by a “real publisher”.
To me this is insulting. Newbie authors really shouldn’t be dismissive of self-publishing. Many self-pubbed authors have gotten big book and movie deals out of self-publishing. And by the way, can’t even remember who the hell that blogger was.
“The Success Files: Why Print On Demand books are better” Better for the environment. Nuff said!
“The Success Files: Hitting the Publish Button” Title says it all!
“The ironic full circle of traditional publishing to self-publishing.” How I was now being sold in stores owned by a publisher who turned me down. Ironic!
As I look back on these years here, it’s been fun, funny, and downright bitchy at times. And while I haven’t loved every minute, week, month, or year of it, I will still be popping in on the last of the month to let y’all know what I’ve been up to, and, of course, releasing my books and doing lots of book posts.
See you all in 2020.
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