I’ve mentioned in my half yearly catch up, and will mention it again in the full yearly catch up, but will go a little more in depth here about what I’m doing with the series.
When I started writing Carlos, way back in 2016, I knew there would be a trilogy. Carlos, Pedro and Tomas. But then the conclusion to the story ended up being the fourth instalment of that series.
Once I was editing them, I had thoughts about a second book, and then a third. But I had to put them out of my mind as I had other books under my real name to get typed up and done.
Come October that year, I sat down and out they came. While writing, my mind would jump around and jump ahead to future storylines and potential books.
One book was a novella that would come between book three and four, or Love Never Dies and Stefan. It’s set five years after LND in 1987, but by the time I had spent three weeks crying while writing LND, I knew that it would not be written at that time. I knew that the storyline wasn’t really going to benefit the story arc in general, and so, I put the idea aside and moved on to Stefan. Although, I did have an idea for three short stories in one, all five years apart, but again, the storylines would be too similar to warrant writing them.
I also had ideas for short stories of characters from each book. So five from Carlos, five from Pedro, and five from Tomas. That idea grew to another five from the series as it grew, and then another five.
Finally, I had twenty-five stories to write and I was already exhausted.
And so I decided to cut them down from forty pages each to ten to forty and release each lot as a boxed set. But that idea has waned, and so the novella, and the short stories, were put on hold.
I’m not saying forever, but for now. I’m hoping, sometime in the future, that I will get back to them. But I feel I need to put distance between us and get this series done in the best way possible. And that’s by releasing five short stories based on the rest of the grandkids and how they met their partners.
At the end of DeLuca, you meet Luca, married to Alena, and Maria, engaged and about to be married to Antonio. In Spiros & Jenny you get to know them along with Marcus, who’s married to Alexis, and Davina who’s married to Dom. At this point Danté is still single, but in the collection that will finish off in September of next year, you will get a look into the past to when the others met and married, and a look into the future to when Danté meets the woman he marries, Michelline. You will also learn where the family stands at that time and how they have evolved.
Come March, I’m hoping, there will be hard cover versions in case laminate and dust jackets to buy, and maybe paperback large print, but don’t hold your breath on those as it would make the books way too long and way too big. The paperback of Spiros & Jenny will also be released in March, along with the dust jacket hard cover, fingers crossed.
And that will be the end of the Porn Star Brothers series. For now, I’m hoping. I do have my fingers crossed for the future, maybe a couple of years into it, that I will get back to writing about the other characters as they are different to the main family. I need new faces to write about, or old stories to tell that are completely different to the current ones. Something fresh to excite me.
I need to step out of the family and take a break. Cut the apron strings and let them go out into the big wide world to fend for themselves. After all, I AM Jenny Stephanopoulos.
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