When you have edited your book into submission, had it assessed, copy edited, whipped into a frenzy of formatting and readiness, it’s time to upload to the variety of websites you will be selling on.
Whether it be Smashwords or Amazon there is a process for uploading your word doc and cover. Once all of your information has been in putted there is only thing to do to make it go out to the world and send it to everyone through their computers….
Hit publish!
Does this mean you are now a published author?
Not quite.
If you publish through Kindle, you will see that it may take up to twelve hours for your book to be available for sale, although times have varied to a few hours. It all depends on the amount of books being uploaded and the strain on the system.
If you publish through Smashwords, it takes but minutes for the word doc to go through submitting and within minutes it’s published to their site. As a distributer they will send your book to a variety of other places but that will take several weeks. But still, once Smashwords publishes your book and has it for sale you are now a published author.
Of course you had to write the book, have it edited, assessed and formatted, but once you hit the publish button, that was all it took.
All you had to do was just hit publish!
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