I first received “the call” in November of 2010.
I hadn’t been expecting it as I had never had one before.
I had printed out a full manuscript of Lotto, equalling about 300+ pages, added the cover page and my letter, and sent it off to that particular publisher.
It was one I had never heard of before and I’m not even sure how I found out about them. I do remember Pauline Hanson being on the Kyle and Jackie O show and talking about her book. I googled her book to see who the publisher was so maybe I found them that way.
I didn’t receive an email so continued sending out more submissions as publishers won’t contact you by phone. In fact, the only time they contact you by phone is when they want your book. Oh wait, surprise, surprise, lol.
My mum answered at the time and she had no idea who Jewels Diva was, she thought it meant me as my jewellery business is Jewel Divas and asked the man if he meant Tiara, she being me.
I took the phone and spoke to him and he wanted my book.
That was the first and only time I ever received a call.
I had been sending out submissions since 2007, first for Vegas, and then for Lotto after I wrote that in 2008. So all in all, four years after subbing two books.
Alas, I had to decline and I’m glad I did as I soon learned about self-publishing early 2011 and haven’t needed a publisher’s acceptance since.
Doing it on your own is not only extremely exhausting but extremely satisfying. Knowing that you did everything your way and didn’t give away anything for someone else to be in control of is worth all the time and energy spent. Especially since many publishers don’t spend money on their newbie authors these days because they’re too busy fighting with Amazon.
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