It started mainly on May 25th, the day mum went in for her endoscope for her ulcers and I hit the op shops and second hand book stores. I scored 25 books that would have cost me a fortune to buy online. However that’s what I’ve spent, a small fortune, that ended up with doubles from online sellers not selling or sending the correct versions. I got my money back on most, but I’m out a few bucks.

So far it’s about 165 books or so, some free from refunds, and around $1600 give or take since May, so about $10 a book. Not bad considering some were more expensive than others and some were just a few cents depending on where I bought them from, like the op shop.
Some books are hard to get, so the first 10 or so hardcovers are very rare, in fact, I haven’t even seen most of them in my searches, just the paperback versions of which there are many. The search will continue but it will probably only be a couple a month now as I finish up paperback collections. I’ll also be getting her self-published versions this month as they’re easy to get, and will continue to update you all on my purchases.
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