Recently while the school holidays were on, I had a writing holiday. Now this approach worked wonders for me because I had three novellas to get out and didn’t want to worry about being online and dealing with the blog and social media.
When I write, I need absolute peace and quiet and no interruptions. And thankfully, after finishing of the last T.K. Wrathbone story, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall (now available for pre-sale at Amazon, Smashwords and Kobo) just days before starting these books, I decided the only way to get these novellas written was to take time off and write them since I had planned to start them last December but then mum got sick and my plans got fucked, so they were pushed back and back and back until April when I finally fit them into the schedule.
Below is how I started, with three 240 page A4 spiral notebooks, a 10 pack of blue pens and a new pack of post it notes.
All to write the conclusion to the stories, and because one of the notebooks did not have the full amount of pages in it (talk about rip off!) I raced out and bought another notebook.
As you can see, I went through seven pens, albeit not from the pack I bought especially as I ended up finishing off another pack I had been using. And I went through all of the small post its.
Book 2 took me about 7 days because he was hard and took his time coming. The third book took me 10 days as my writing plan for that was different. Book 1 and 2 were written in the holiday, book 3 came from May 8th to May 16th with days off for shopping and doctors in between. I was tired and my hand was cramping so I figured if I wrote at least 10 pages (or 1 chapter) a day then I could get it done in 12 days. I got it done in ten because in two days I wrote four chapters. So he came at a relaxed pace.
I also managed to get a hell of a lot off my list. Below is the huge three month list I’ve been using this year in front of a very small part of my Nancy Drew collection. This is April, May and June and this pic was taken at the beginning of April (I had already gone through Jan, Feb and March). On the other side of the cardboard (my own DIY To Do list) is July, August and September, then I’ll do another one for Oct, Nov and Dec.
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