As the year comes to an end and I head into my last two weeks of blogging before the New year and my 4th birthday, I’m looking to clean house.
Not my actual house, although I’m sure that will get a clean also, but my blogging house.
As a writer I’ve joined many sites over the last four years as a way of spreading myself over different and relevant websites as a way of enhancing my profile and gaining publicity.
I’m not sure it has even worked.
Looking at my dashboard stats, bookmarking sites aren’t even on the radar.
So, does that mean Digg, Delicious, Technorati and Stumbleupon are not warranted or even worth using?
Not sure, but my stats suggest that YouSayToo was worthwhile and most people find me via Google.
So, does that mean I cull the places I’m over or leave them all for another year?
Are they worth being on even though there seems to be no traffic from them?
Does social media need to calm down and stop inventing new places for us to be over?
Sometimes I wonder what the necessary sites are that one should belong too. What the most important ones are because there are so many and you never know what they will do for your profile and place in the technological world.
What are you guys over, and are bookmarking sites relevant to you?
Will you be culling the amount of sites you’re over and cutting back to the basics for the new year?
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